Styles Labeling
Label font size and color

Style label font size and color

Label font size

Set the font size of the dimension labels value in points or a proportion of the height/width of the artboard (%H or %W). If you choose the latter, the labels' font size will take the percentage of the artboard height/width as values.

label font size options

Label font color

  1. You can type in a 6-digit HEX color value or open the colorpicker to select a color. You can also drag and drop an Illustrator color swatch into the color field to apply the swatch color to the color field. In this way, you can apply a CMYK or spot color to the label font, even though the colorpicker does not support these colors. (See Selecting color for details).
  2. Copy the same color and apply it to the label line color.

label font color