Generate dimension & style labels

Generate dimension & style labels

Generating dimensions

Generating dimensions is simple. Select the objects, choose the types of dimensions you need and click the action button. In the below example, if you want to specify the width, the distance between the objects and the overall width of the group, select the objects. Choose "Top" as the dimension position (more on this in later sections). Click on the action button and you can get all these dimensions at once.

Generate dimensions

When selecting multiple objects in dimensioning, they will be measured as a group and depending on the type of dimensions you have selected, Specees helps to spread the label nicely.

Generating styles

To generate styles, like generating dimensions, select the objects, and choose the type of styles to display the properties (currently only text and color properties are supported). Choose the position to generate the labels and click on the action button.

Generate styles

When multiple objects are selected, objects with the same properties will be grouped together and display one label only.