Specees Pricing and Subscribe

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  • Subscription will be charged automatically every year. You can manage your payment method or cancel the subscription in your account page.
  • Specees will stop working when the subscription ends.
  • For Team plan, you can increase / decrease (min Qty:5) your team's subscription and changes will be made effective immediately. You will be charged immediately when you increase the quantity on a proration based corresponding to your next billing date. If you reduce the quantity of the subscriptions, the reducted subscriptions will be cancelled immediately. Your account balance will be deducted on a proration based and will be applied in the next billing date.
  • All features in Specees are the same no matter you purchase the license here or from Adobe Exchange.
  • Licenses purchased from Adobe Exchange are not transferrable to https://specees.dazed.design. Licenses purchased from Adobe Exchange cannot be managed on our website.

Also Available on Adobe Exchange!

Adobe Exchange